
Attorney Charges "Jetsunma" With Child Stealing

An attorney for Gyaltrul Rinpoche has openly charged New Age "Jetsunma" Alyce Zeoli (also known as Catherine Burroughs) with child stealing on a public internet site. We reproduce the relevant page from that site, including a photograph of "Jetsunma" spiriting away the allegedly "stolen baby."

According to the highly respected attorney Charles Carreon, who has represented Gyaltrul Rinpoche and Yeshe Nyingpo Ashland on numerous occasions, "She actually took this baby from one of her devotees, claiming it was her spiritual child."

Reportedly, the devotee in question, Jaylee Fendantz, was thereafter forced by the portly cult leader -- then going by the name of Catherine Burroughs -- to change her name to "Catherine Anastasia." The whereabouts and welfare of "Catherine Anastasia" are unknown. Following numerous, plaintive and heart-wrenching attempts to see the child by both birth parents, Jaylee and Patrick, both have disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

Later, the child in question began to experience psychological distress occasioned by the early trauma of being taken from her birth parents, and her exposure to the Maryland-based "Jetsunma Cult" (now known as the "New Palyul Lineage"), with its open "celebration" of gay sex and the use of marijuana.

The child was reportedly treated by Tucson-area psychologist Laura Foley.