
Desperation and Fraud

At the vicious web site maintained by Alyce Zeoli (the New Age "Jetsunma," and leader of the New Palyul Lineage Cult), they have gone to elaborate lengths to refute the letter Penor Rinpoche wrote to discipline Alyce -- a letter hand-carried from Namdroling Monastery and directly presented to her, which they now claim was "stolen" in order to be reproduced here. This letter was not stolen, nor is it a forgery, although as we shall soon see, it was used as the basis for a forgery. Copies of this letter were made available to several trusted lamas, together with other letters intended to be used to bring "Jetsunma" to heel.

The cult is disingenuously attempting to defuse this inevitability, and their attempts are almost laughable.

In particular, they have singled out the following elements, and we here quote from the numerous posts they have devoted to this subject:
"This letter is on “Charity Foundation Letterhead” which is incongruent for this type of correspondence."

"There are no signatures handwritten or otherwise."

"It is typewritten in English and His Holiness did not speak fluent English."

"The letter is not written in Holiness’ style of writing."
However, elsewhere on the very same site, they reproduce the letter we show above, which they claim is an authentic letter from Penor Rinpoche. What can we say about this letter?
 "This letter is on “Charity Foundation Letterhead” which is incongruent for this type of correspondence."

"There are no signatures handwritten or otherwise."

"It is typewritten in English and His Holiness did not speak fluent English."

"The letter is not written in Holiness’ style of writing."
You cannot have it both ways. 

It is interesting -- the person who bravely exposed the frauds being perpetrated by Alyce Zeoli and the New Palyul Lineage, and the person who has been targeted by this toxic cult with an unprecedented two year campaign of perjury, forgery, slander, stalking, false allegations and harassment -- has no connection or interest in the Palyul lineage, has never met or claimed to meet Penor Rinpoche, and adheres to an entirely different lineage: that much is clear from the open record. 

The frantic cover-up and hysterical spin doctoring now being engaged in by the New Palyul Lineage, and the strident attacks on critics, are eloquent evidence of just how desperate this cult has become as their reign of terror draws to a close. They have even gone so far as to openly attack very senior Palyul lineage holders, and seem to see elaborate conspiracies.

There is no conspiracy. There is only a long-overdue housecleaning.

The investigation ordered by the legitimate Palyul Lineage into the activities of this breakaway cult in the wake of Penor Rinpoche's death has almost concluded. We are reliably informed that its findings do not bode well for Alyce Zeoli and her band of misfits. 

When His Holiness Karma Kuchen, the current Palyul throneholder, visited Alyce last year, he remained polite but did not like what he saw. Returning to Namdroling Monastery, he gave a quiet series of orders.

Those orders are now being carried out by numerous hands and numerous methods.

Alyce Zeoli and her cult have become a legal, financial, and public relations liability to the established Palyul Lineage.

They are on the way out.